Beginning in 2012, I had begun research on purchasing sheep to place at the farm. Sometimes the best laid plans do not work out till much later. After reading countless books and finally moving back to my family’s farm in 2016, I was not going to wait any longer. I found Icelandic sheep to be the perfect combination of characteristics that I was looking for in my first flock. Icelandic sheep are a medium sized sheep, they have short tails (no docking…yippee!), have beautiful wool(in many color combinations) for hand spinning, and a delicate flavored meat. The sheep I purchased seem to be very hardy and do not require much intervention for parasites. In Iceland they are used as a triple purpose breed; wool, milk, and meat. I am wanting to use mine as triple purpose as well.

While I currently have a very small flock (4) I am hoping to increase steadily over the next few years.

After a major set back in 2017 (lamb died with a hereditary abnormality), we decided to sell of our beginning flock.  We retained Shrek (wether) and the two ewe lambs (Tulip and Daffodil).  We began again looking for another group of sheep that would meet our criteria.  We found five lovely ewes out of Michigan.  So far they have not disappointed us one bit!  I am excitedly waiting for lambing season to start up!

Meet Our


Shrek came to us with the last herd we purchased. We decided to make him a “wether” (a male that can’t have babies) and he is now our full time lamb/ram babysitter! It’s a pretty cushy job eat all you want which is his main goal in life.



He is our new ram.  He was born in 2017 and hails from South Dakota. His mother has some excellent genetics and we are hoping he puts color and those same genetics into our lamb crop for 2018.



She is from a farm in Michigan. And her lovely black coat makes her very striking! We are excited to see her pass on her color.

2018- Ewe/Ram  (2)





She is also from Michigan and has that same dark coat with a bit of silver throughout.

2018 – Ewe/Ewe (2),





Another from Michigan and she has some sass behind her.  From the start she was begging from treats and knocking others aside, a prima-donna of the sheep flock.

2018 – Ram (1)




Another Michiganite (?), not quite as “in your face” as Violet but still needs to be somewhere near the center of attention.

2018- Ewe/Ewe (2)





She was such a sad/depressed creature when she first came.  We spent extra time encouraging her to eat and trying to make her feel comfortable. After about six months, you would never know she was so mopey.  She is front and center for all feedings now and even lets us pet her once and awhile.  She has the most perfect fleece I’ve ever seen as well.

2018- Ram/Ram (2)


Tulip and Daffodil-

These were are two surviving ewe lambs from 2017.  They will stay here on our farm until old age catches up with them.  They will NOT be bred until 2019.



This lovely (registered ewe, our first!) hails from the same farm as our other ewes. We’ve been so impressed with their attitudes and confirmation we had to get more! She had already lambed prior to coming to our small flock. We are hoping to save her ram lamb for breeding here in the fall.

2018- Ram


Marigold (JaJa) –

Another lovely moorit/grey ewe from Michigan! She also lambed prior to her arrival.  We will be retaining her daughters for their wonderful wool color.

2018- Ewe/Ewe

Flopsy, Gemma, Greta

These three ewe lambs (so far) have made the cut! Each one of these lambs is being saved for 2019 breeding season.


We are hopefully retaining him for breeding this fall!