SouthernWind Farm

Live, Laugh, Love, Farm

Author: Becca (page 2 of 2)

Bikini Snow Suit

It’s late February and boy could I not be more ready for spring! The weather here has turned warm and it is acting like it’s here to stay. Now being from Nebraska, I know better than to get excited and start planting flower seeds. Why am I cautious you ask? Well, simply put, we typically have all four seasons in a week; like Monday its warm in the 60’s and by Friday were are waddling around in a foot of snow (with maybe a tornado in between)! You think I’m kidding well I’m not.

Here’s just a sample:

Okay I know not the greatest photo. Do you see that on Tuesday 70 degrees and by Friday 32 and snow! I mean come on already! The grass and trees are already trying to sprout and bud out. We don’t need anymore of this nonsense. Not to mention the concern for the winter wheat planted! I may also be itching to get into my garden, after all my seeds came earlier this week tempting me to plant them.

This really is only about a 1/3 of my seeds but they were the first to arrive! I absolutely adore Seed Savers Exchange (and no they aren’t paying me to say that)! I started ordering from them in 2013 (I think) and I have yet to be disappointed. So many varieties and ordering from them helps support the work they are trying to do in saving heirloom seeds for the next generations. Something I can totally get behind. Not that it makes me any better of a gardener; I have been planting about 90% heirloom in my garden since I started in 2008 and seeing the unique varieties and tastes that come out of those seeds is amazing! So if you haven’t ordered already check them out. They have a great website which provides awesome information on their work and the seeds they sell. Also if your near their home in Decorah, Iowa please visit! I have been longing to go.


Well until Mother Nature makes up her mind I will be outside spreading compost on my garden in my bikini or snow suit depending on the day!


“Off Season” WORK

When I was younger, I always felt like winter was boring. There seemed to be so much down time. Not many activities and you couldn’t just go outside anytime you wanted to. There were rules: check the weather, put on appropriate clothes (except for one year I begged to go outside in shorts and it was -2 F), check the weather again….anyway you get the idea. Since we moved back to the farm there aren’t enough hours in the day. We seem to have something going on at ALL times.

I was hoping to have more leisure/couple time; which is a silly idea since we have three children under the age of 10. Nope; not here. Jimmy began tackling a new college degree and I have been attending just about every farm/ag type seminar that I can find. Of course, we still have the livestock to take care of and the planning for next years crops. Truth be told,  if there weren’t so many “activities” going on I actually might go a little stir crazy. As far as the farm is concerned not too much has changed since we have entered the “off season”. Planning and preparing for the 2017 crop season is in full swing. All of my seeds have been order for my garden. Sheep are pregnant and getting larger (and hungrier) by the day. Chickens are still clucking. Cows are chewing cud. And we keep moving forward.

I would encourage any farmers and farm”hers” who do have “down time” find some classes to take or seminars to attend. Make use of your local NRCS, USDA, farm/ag shows, community colleges, and webinars are great for those who can’t get out of the house. If nothing else it breaks up the snowy monotony that has become the winter.

We Have Arrived!




Hello, all! Welcome to SouthernWind Farm! I guess I should introduce myself and our farm! My name is Rebecca. My husband, Jimmy and I run SouthernWind Farm! We are a small acreage with dreams of expansion. Of course that probably is not very different than most farmers, but ours has been quite the journey. Diversifying the farm led us to need an online presence to sell some of our goods that will be coming in the future. So for now I am just here to say, “Howdy!”. Please check back as I will be updating and posting our for sale items soon!


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